Thread: Mars 1917
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Old 06-28-2011, 09:07 AM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Mars 1917

Do I need an establishing sequence in France to make the contrast?
Yes, absolutely. If this is a theme, it also probably needs to make an appearance later. Perhaps the bad guys have their own Engineer whose conquest involves introducing the industrial butchery style of warfare, displacing the romantic sort. The PCs know exactly where that leads, and are motivated to stop it.

(The American Civil War also had this disenchantment with the Byronic romance of war. In this case, you want to preserve the romance. But perhaps there's some imagery or atmosphere to be drawn from there.)

It might help them along if Hans and Franz see that they are now alone with triple their number of Australieners
Interesting. This can also mean that they learn Martian together as their common tongue, which seems to me to help reinforce the "industrial war bad, band of heroes good" theme. Plus it gives you a bit of suspense -- is Franz really trustworthy?
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