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Old 09-02-2022, 01:13 PM   #1
Entity 666
Join Date: Sep 2022
Default Adventure time- lich rules

I and a few friends were playing, and I got the lich at level 9. One friend played Prismo’s Pickles, which I don’t think should work, (it affects both sides, it changes who the lich fights, and ends my battle). After that, They were fighting the lich, and they are level 8, so I played the wand of dispersment, (which banishes any monster) I argue that if they can play prismo’s pickles, and end my combat, (one shot item) that I should be able to use the wand to end the battle (with one shot item). I have seen a thread where people say that one shot items that end the combat cannot be used, (meaning the wand would have no effect. But this also means the pickles card shouldn’t be used, as it effectively ended the battle against me and the lich). So what happens here? I think I should fight the lich and win the game(as I have like 27 points) I don’t think that if one can be played the other can’t.
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