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Old 01-07-2020, 11:26 PM   #27
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Location: Wellington, NZ
Default Re: [HT] Grenades fuse

Originally Posted by MrFix View Post
Remember, you can still fire your gun as the fuse counts down, with appropriate penalties for off-hand and/or one-handed use. You can hold the grenade in off-hand as it ticks down, and throw it!
That's a really bad idea. Firstly, if you're firing your weapon in any useful manner, you're exposed to incoming fire and if you get hit that grenade's not going anywhere, and as it's armed it's not your friend any more. Secondly, it's very easy to lose track of time while shooting, especially when caught up in a fire-fight, so you're making it very easy to lose track and have the grenade go off before you throw it, or while it's in the air.

'Cooking' grenades before throwing them is a risk already, without adding to it.
His armor had high DR vs pi and cut, but not crushing damage, so explosion right under his feet ended the fight.
My experience is that getting a grenade in exactly the right spot is tricky, and if it's spotted people can almost always get a yard or two's distance, making the concussion damage far smaller than the base damage suggests it'd be. Grenades are great in TL5-7 games, where body armour is uncommon, but in TL8+ games their utility drops off rapidly against properly equipped soldiers (and at TL4- the grenades are junk, if they're available at all).
Rupert Boleyn

"A pessimist is an optimist with a sense of history."
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