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Old 10-27-2014, 02:54 PM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Regeneration requiring meditation

Originally Posted by Arith Winterfell View Post
Interesting. I lack bio-tech the book though. : /
No need for it - Temporary Disadvantage (as well as both Lame and No Legs) are from the Basic Set. The comment was simply to note that TD (Legless: Sessile) -50% is canonically valid as a "you lose the ability to move around" Limitation.

Originally Posted by Arith Winterfell View Post
Generally the idea i had in my head was it requires a meditation check to start (but not to maintain). It requires full on sitting down, focused meditation (maybe eyes closed), and in short can't be done in the middle of something like combat.
Requires Meditation -5% (which is from Powers) requires a Meditation roll every minute. For something where a single Meditation roll is enough for an unlimited amount of Meditation, you're arguably below system resolution, for +0%. Alternatively, you could do a hack of applying Once On, Stays On +50% (also from Powers) to the Limitation, which would drop it to around -2.5% if we're being generous. Requiring you to sit down and stay down is probably about right for Temporary Disadvantage (No Legs: Sessile) -50%, and requiring you to close your eyes is Temporary Disadvantage (Blindness) -50%, and finally the need for constant Concentration is either (depending on if you can mount a more-or-less incompetent defense) Requires Concentrate -15% or All Out -25% (Powers again, for both). Keep in mind, of course, that you cannot get more than -80% - if you applied more-or-less all of the above, you'd easily be at over -100%.

My suggestion would be to have the basic version be something like Fast Regeneration (ER Only +0%, Requires Initial Meditation Roll +0%, Temporary Disadvantage: Blindness and Sessile -100%) [10]. This can be "leveled up" in a variety of ways. The obvious one is to boost it to Very Fast, which will drop the Temporary Disadvantages to -80% (you can't get more points back for Temporary Disadvantage than 80% of what the trait would be worth on its own), for [20]. You could then boost that to Extreme, regenerating 10 ER every second, for [70]. Another option is to let characters buy off at least the Blindness, changing the above costs to [25], [60], and [110]. You could also allow characters to buy ER Recovery instead of ER Only, at +100%, for [50], [120], and [220], to let them get HP back at the same time.
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