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Old 04-01-2021, 01:16 AM   #24
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Udine, Italy
Default Re: GURPS Realm Management: New Economy Types

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
On the original government type, I'm not sure what you're trying to describe (arguably a conventional free market involves voting for what will be produced, it's just that the voting is done with dollars). I don't have Realm Management yet so don't know the specific terms it uses, but it sounds like you're after a planned economy where the government type is a direct democracy.
It's not a government type, it's an economy type - under the GURPS Realm Management concept. Keep in mind that with that system, you have both a government type and an economy type, and clearly some of the former go down better with some of the latter. In this case, having at hand Realm Management, I'd say that your suggestion should be to couple a Participatory economy with the Athenian Democracy government.

That said, our main real-world example really was a one-off case, especially during the early years of Tito's long rule. So a weird solution under the rules is not inappropriate. I'd say that both the government and the economy were hybrids, actually (which GURPS Realm Management allows, too):

Tribal/Autocracy government with Socialist/Participatory economy.
Michele Armellini
GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral
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