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Old 02-09-2021, 11:30 PM   #7
Axly Suregrip
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Durham, NC
Default Re: Gargoyle hunting

Hi Phiwum,
Sounds like you are looking to have a small group of NPC fighters where most will be beginning fighters.

Some design points:

Fighting gargoyles leads to HTH so armor is good and DX not so much (since the +4 DX in HTH). Also fine daggers will help in HTH, and having the dagger ready would be good too.

Also they should try to outnumber the gargoyles so that some can attack from outside of HTH into the pile. This would mean missile weapons are out, mostly. Also means the melee weapon is best to do high damage to deal with the armor. And it also means a pole weapon user won't be getting engaged, so he can back up and charge again.

Also consider a utility person with a missile weapon in case they are flying to avoid combat.

So this is a squad of four such hunters. They would lead with the two sword men while the crossbow and halberd play back to avoid getting into HTH. Also, they would want a physicker at base camp.

Thug leader 34 pt fighter

ST 14
DX 11(9)
IQ 9

Bastard Swd
Very Fine Dagger (+2 damage) (1+4 in HTH)
Talent: *Toughness x2 (4 cost)
Has sword and dagger in each hand. Thus will not need to chance drawing the dagger when engaged in HTH.

All others: 32 pt Gargoyle Hunter Thugs (limit to $1000 of equipment each)
ST 13
DX 11
fine Halberd (+1 damage)
fine Dagger (+1 damage)


ST 12
DX 12(9)
Chain (-3)
Broad Sword
fine Dagger (+1)
Has sword and dagger in each hand. Thus will not need to chance drawing the dagger when engaged in HTH.


ST 12
DX 11 [14 with crossbow]
IQ 9
No Armor (-1*)

Lt Crossbow (can fire twice a turn)
fine Broad Sword (+1 damage)
fine Dagger (+1 damage)

Skills: Knife(1), Sword(1), Crossbow(1), MissileWeapons(3), Toughness1(2)*


They are not perfect but they fit the bill as group of gargoyle hunting thugs.
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