Thread: On being Feared
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Old 09-16-2018, 09:22 PM   #5
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: On being Feared

I would say that hirelings should only be treated as involuntary if the Feared person is actually shortchanging them on their pay or otherwise taking advantage of them. The Social Regard will make them think twice about saying "No" to the mob boss/inquisitor/sinister magician/supervillain/dragon but if their new employer refrains from abusing them they'll frequently be very loyal because of their low initial expectations and the way being the employee of a person with Social Regard reflects on their own status by proxy. There's a certain pride to be taken in working for a fearsome person. It means you're part of something impressive.

At the same time of course if they haven't actually acquired the same Feared status they'll never really more than lackeys to the Feared person. They'll always be too cautious of giving offense to be real friends.
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