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Old 01-25-2021, 02:02 PM   #35
Join Date: Jul 2008
Default Re: Skills - maybe this game isn't what I'm looking for

Originally Posted by adaman14 View Post
I am sitting here wondering why anyone would actually use a horse for anything other than mundane day to day activity so buying and documenting the skill is a waste.
Really wondering about the context this is coming from, because I can't think of a fictional character type that does anything adventurous and uses horses significantly but never combines them.

Mounted combat, a mounted chase (as pursuer or quarry), mounted hunts, 'simple' mounted travel through extreme environments...

I guess the answer might be Dungeon Fantasy characters who bought the horse exclusively to reduce travel-to-dungeon logistics time. Assuming they never get ambushed while on the horse and never try to use it for anything other than a 'off-screen' strategic mobility upgrade they don't really have any need for a point in Riding.
Originally Posted by adaman14 View Post
one must know the DX of the horse and the training of the animal...I am frustrated).
No, you need to have one number for the animal: the level of its Mount skill. (It is a DX-based skill, but it doesn't actually matter how many points in Mount the horse would have.)

That, ST, and Move are probably the very most important and user-facing stats for a riding animal. (How well it performs, how much it can carry, and how fast it can go.)

Mind, you should have the DX and some other traits, because you very easily might end up needing them. But you don't need those to resolve this. (Campaigns has animal stat block examples you can simply copy.)
Originally Posted by adaman14 View Post
I can resolve this whole thing with original D&D as a DM just saying roll percentile and in this situation you have a 20% chance to fail. I bet it is nearly the same thing.
You can do the same thing as a GURPS GM if you wanted to just make the numbers up out of nothing. Just arbitrarily decide that they'll roll against 13. The only problem you'll have is if the players of characters who have riding complain that they really should be failing a lot less than that.

I'd agree that if that's what you want to do I personally can't understand why you'd use GURPS. But some people do seem to.
I don't know any 3e, so there is no chance that I am talking about 3e rules by accident.
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