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Old 03-30-2021, 04:13 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2020
Default Re: GURPS Realm Management: New Economy Types

Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
The efficiency falls off as you go to larger scale. On one hand, the number of decisions to be made increases at least as fast as the number of people (perhaps as fast as the square of the number of people?); on the other, the rate at which decisions are made at best does not increase, and may decrease. And the informal channels that compensate for the slow formal procedure only work in quite small groups.

I'm not sure if your Benefits and Drawbacks reflect this.

It all depends, a society, with wellinformed und learned people, is often more flexible than some global corporations in the case of production and development.
On the other hand strategies to cope with slow decission making and shortages of goods, are quite common at the whole world. One of the german part states, the DDR ( east germany ) has had over the whole time a shortage in many goods, and people developed some quite sophisticated coping strategies, like trading services, rare goods and much more in private.
Some steps bigger was this in the old sowjtunion, where more than 50% of the food came from informal channels, mostly from the 5000m2 a peasant was allowed to use privately. Same goes for spare parts, repairs and other things, i heard storys how people traveld in this times and while it was a adventure it teached me a lot about the human mind and flexibility.
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