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Old 04-19-2021, 09:13 AM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Boston area
Default Re: Effects of Increasing Intelligence

It's not at all simple as what Henry says.

Wizards have a strong incentive to increase IQ. In old TFT, this meant they got additional spells and talents, but increasing IQ is expensive so once you had a high attribute total, you got few new skills. But of course, this was true for everyone and probably affected heroes more than wizards, because they would have spent early points on ST and DX.

Beginning wizards are worse off with Legacy, because they could have used the initial cheap attribute points to gain talents and spells early on.

It's true that everyone with high attributes gained talents and spells very slowly once they hit a high attribute total. Henry sometimes forgets that some characters are not wizards. This fact may confuse new players who wonder why his comments apply only to wizards.

In fact, a starting wizard in the old system might have spent three of his first four attributes on IQ (not Henry's Molly, who starts off seriously deficient in DX, of course) and gained three new points to spend on spells or talents for only 700XP. Under the new system, to gain four attributes of any sort and three new talent points costs 1500XP more.

Once the character is at 40 attribute points, a new talent point would require an increase in IQ and so 1000XP under the old system. Under the new system, it costs only 500XP but if you also want the increase in IQ, it's 8500XP. In that sense, if a wizard with 40 attribute points wants to learn a new one point talent under the old system, it cost him 2000XP instead of 1000XP under the new. I'd hardly call it "the" advantage of old over new.

(Thanks to Henry's link, I've edited my comments to include the first edition TFT XP costs for attribute increases.)

Last edited by phiwum; 04-19-2021 at 07:05 PM.
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