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Old 11-13-2022, 04:58 AM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Judo Throw Perk?

Originally Posted by Gef View Post
While it makes sense for humans with ST in normal range, I'm not sure how it scales to the extremes or different body plans. For instance a tiger has more ST than human but not more height, and I'm not sure it should be so easy for a sprite to one-shot a giant. Not a judoka myself, but I'm wondering if there should be an upper limit, like 50% more than the thrower's own ST?
As RGTraynor notes, this isn't one-shotting anything - it does the same damage as an unskilled (for no damage bonus) attacker with ST equal to the target's HP throwing a punch. The height comparison I did was basically just as a "sniff test" to see if the idea looked broken - the fact fall height tended to be around the target's linear measurement (if scaling size normally; plenty of targets are more HP-dense) was a "yeah, this makes sense at GURPS resolutions" kind of thing, not "this is what is actually happening in this situation" (also, I'll note that the fall height seemed to cap out at around 5 yards, and I think as HP got rather high actually started to go down).

Sprite vs Giant is just another iteration of the classic "Judo Throw an elephant" situation. You can see a (rather long) discussion here. If you skip to the last page, you'll see a resolution - Kromm suggests a limit of not being able to Judo Throw a foe with ST more than twice your own (here we may want to use HP that is twice the thrower's ST instead), and Douglas Cole gives an alternative option of not being able to Judo Throw a foe that weighs more than 4xBL, but that's clearly far too low (nobody would be able throw someone else of even comparable weight, unless extremely strong for their own weight). I'd be inclined to use the Shove or Knock Over limit (12xBL) at a minimum. Assuming characters with ST/HP that is consistent with their weight, having twice the ST/HP means having 8x the weight. An average human weighs somewhere around 8xBL, so this would work out to a limit of around 64xBL (!), which is actually above the Shift Slightly limit (50xBL). Honestly, 24xBL seems more appropriate to me (this is the Shove or Knock Over limit if you have a running start, which seems roughly appropriate for using a foe's momentum against them).
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