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Old 11-12-2007, 04:20 PM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Bristol
Default Re: GURPS Fantasy Question

I liked it, just remember it's not DnD.

Combat is going to be quick and nasty - avoid it ;)


Well there are many ways of getting the same result.

Use powers and talents from the Powers book is one way.

But the traditional method, a spell list is going to be fairly lengthy. You will be working backwards, you need spell Z but also need Y and to get that you need X. If mages steered clear of the traditional fire ball blast style then they won't have to worry about stuff - like the player needs about 4-5 skills to do this trick, having said that a good aim is also essential - hint the mage is going to need a bit of IQ, DX and HT.

Note, mages are hugely powerful, creating fire from nothing and being able to blast guys with fire is more frightening than a guy with a throwing axe or bow.

Mages will require a good base for fatigue (watch out for 'very fit' mages) and at really high skill they can do lower the casting cost.

Note - assume that a fantasy world is very much an illiterate place and that way mages will need literacy to do all their nifty stuff.

In the more mundane part of the world. Hulking great barbarian with a halberd is going to chop things up really quickly and you may need to use shield damage rules too.

Quick guide to combat, assume, unless stated otherwise all hits are directed to the body and make the players use combat cards, you know choose your action, give them more time if they have combat reflexes (not much more) and any dithering means you put them on the 'wait' action. The hit to the body default gets rid of rolling hit locations and only save that type of rolled for wild swing and missed missile shots. Make combat as fast and as messy as possible.

Keep the players on their toes with busted shields, weapons and armour. This way you can hopefully avoid too much combat and do some roleplaying. Remember without social rank, they are dirtwards, scum and anyone with a rank or law enforcement is going to look down. Weary of strangers with different dialects or languages!
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