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Old 05-17-2019, 10:30 PM   #1
wolf90's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default Playmat Variations

Hi, gang.

I'm back with a little unofficial market research. I've been playing around with the mats recently, as I plan the next versions, and a few ideas have popped into my head. So, I figured I check in with y'all and get some feedback.

Q1: Do you have an interest in variant playmat maps?

Q1a: Variant 1 would be to produce a map that features graphics depicting the terrain in winter conditions. As there are no official winter terrain rules, the map would play identically to the "summer" version; it would just look different. (That's not to say that an Ogrezine article of winter rules might not occur, but no promises!)

Q1b: Variant 2 would involve taking an established playmat map and depicting it in a majorly damaged condition with damaged Towns and Forest, Rubble, broken Roads and Rail, etc. There is lots of opportunity here, but I do not know if there is interest.

Q2: Conceding that there should be a new Ogre-style playmat map in the near future, which would you prefer to see generate a greater focus? Ogre maps or GEV maps?

So . . . what do you think?

Proud sponsor of Ogre KS $4.5k Sheet #3 - Bringing the Vatican Guard, a Tiger-striped mercenary unit, and of course pink GEVs, to a game near you! Orders may be placed here.
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