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Old 07-07-2020, 07:38 PM   #3
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Infinity Unlimited Questions - Gear and Whatnot

Originally Posted by MakDemonik View Post
I get this is a TL9 weapon ahead of its time but... even Ultra-Tech weapons give 10mm Heavy Handguns only 3d pi+, and that at minST10 and a lower Accuracy too!
It's not a mistake. It's an Electro-Thermal weapon as described on p.139 of UT. It's not quite expensive enough for the ET and Fine (Accurate) modifiers but that probably is a holdover from 3e when ET gave you +1 ACC automatically.

IW was a very early 4e book, but even in UT this is a mid-to-late TL9 weapon.

In terms of Real World weapons see this thread....

The weapon in the link will give you virtually the same stats (including the ACC) without the ET gimmick but it will cost a lot more.

In some regards Gurps books may have underestimated the dangerousness of advanced weapons.
Fred Brackin
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