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Old 10-28-2019, 11:41 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Fixing Injury Tolerance [Basic/Powers]

One of the issues with Injury Tolerance is that Unliving objects as supposed to have twice the HP of living objects while Homogeneous/Diffuse objects are supposed to have four times the HP of living objects. This means that a corpse would have twice the HP of the person that they were beforehand, while a sack of ground meat made from the same person would have four times the HP, which is paradoxical. In order to address that paradox, I would suggest the following changes to the rules concerning Injury Tolerance.

In addition to its normal effects, Unliving should halve final damage, rounded down (minimum 1 HP), and should be 60 CP rather than 20 CP, rather than doubling HP. In addition to its normal effects, Homogenous should quarter final damage, rounded down (minimum 1 HP), and should be 120 CP rather than 40 CP, rather than quadrupling HP. In addition to its normal effects, Diffuse should quarter area effect damage (minimum 1 HP), and should be 150 CP rather than 100 CP, rather than quadrupling HP.

What do you think? Is it a workable solution? Or is it something that people take too seriously?
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