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Old 07-19-2021, 11:45 AM   #720
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Exotic Governmental/Legal Systems

Originally Posted by Johnny1A.2 View Post
Imagine a tight federation like the USA, which we'll use as an example. Imagine if, instead of being either directly elected or chosen by the Electoral College, the U.S. President was one of the State Governors, who are elected conventionally in their States. This official continues as Governor, he is simultaneously U.S. President and Governor of State of X.

Which Governor? Possibilities include:

1. Governor of the State with the biggest GDP...
2. Governor of the State with the biggest population (Governor of CA is thus also the President of the USA, until some other State passes CA in population)
3. Governor who won his last gubernatorial election by the biggest margin...
4. Elected by other Governors...
5. Longest serving Governor...
6. Random selection, any of 50 might be President/Governor.

I used the USA as the illustration, but any federalized polity could attempt this with the details adjusted to taste (as a practical matter, if this system worked at all I suspect it would need a federation with much fewer than 50 member-states to be workable).
A rotating presidency seems most likely unless it's a situation where say, the founding member of an interstellar imperium democratized but still reserves a bit of senior position for itself.
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