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Old 03-17-2021, 02:11 PM   #25
Steve Plambeck
Join Date: Jun 2019
Default Re: Death Spell - so how's it work?

I doubt I ever started a thread that got so many replies so fast it makes me dizzy. Or is that just a spell I feel coming on?

My takeaway so far from so many diametrically opposed opinions, every one of which has such strong supportive reasoning, is that I'll beleive the following until I change my mind:
  1. We could say the Death Spell is a free spell, it costs nothing to cast. Therefore neither Aid nor Staff mana figure in. That sure simplifies things. I like the suggestion it still costs 1 fatigue if the spell misses, that feels right as rain RAW.
  2. The effect of successfully casting Death is that someone always dies. Maybe both die, but at least one figure is really, really Dead as a doormat, and any hits on them are irrelevant (0 or -1 simply can't be allowed to matter.)
  3. The stronger figure is wounded by as many hits as the weaker figure had ST. If that's 5 or more hits, -2 DX; 8 or more hits they fall down as well, but both are better than dying. If the two figures were tied in ST, then both are really, really Dead. This spell don't mess around!
Sure a lightening bolt is better, if Reverse Missiles isn't a factor. Sure be nice if the spell was type (S) instead of type (T), then it just might get more use.

Although I never saw it come up, I think the real use of it would be altruistic. You sacrifice yourself to weaken a stronger enemy before they can kill your friends. Maybe you get lucky and survive, but don't count on it. It's called Death for a reason :)
"I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right."
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