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Old 11-15-2018, 08:12 AM   #28
Join Date: Feb 2014
Default Re: Confused by the FAQ on Afflictions

Originally Posted by naloth View Post
All those sound good reasons, why it's not a cheap ability that you can spam.

TK works best as a cost comparison of what you could otherwise do, even if you model if differently. If you can throw people to orbit via flight at a fraction of the cost that it would take to TK them across the room, something is out of proportion.

You can actually model it very easily as a TK "throw" by figuring out how far "up" (basically 1/2 horizontal distance) they would fall and moving them at either a constant velocity or a reversed velocity as a special effect.

Except that Affliction doesn't say anything about letting you take initial or subsequent maneuvers on the target's behalf, without which no movement will occur. Perhaps you were going to follow it up with a Mind Control effect such as "float foolishly upwards"?
I’m assuming you’re misinterpreting me. I’m talking about an ability which neither the initiator (afflictor) nor the affected (afflicted) controls once started. There have been instances of afflicted victims gaining control of the disks, and controlling the flight.
Afflicted uncontrollable TK wouldn’t work because that would make the target have a poltergeist which moves objects around them. Generic uncontrollable TK sans affliction also doesn’t work because there’s no way to say “it only affects this person, and when I say so”. Afflicted Flight with limitations of always on and uncontrollable is the ability I’m describing, to a T. That it costs less points has no bearing on the matter.
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