Thread: Listed as 3E?
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Old 06-15-2021, 05:12 AM   #18
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Default Re: Listed as 3E?

Originally Posted by kate_unknown View Post
Some interesting takes on passive defense guys, thanks!

I got my unrevised 3e book today (still waiting on 1e and the coversion pages), but I noticed something interesting. No perception or willpower! Interesting that those were added so late.

I think I understand why everyone says conversion is easy. If you just do it straight, it cuts out the things that were just plain not there.
Actually Classic books didn't generally repeat what was in the Basic Set.

Willpower (Will Rolls) existed in Classic: "Normally, Will is equal to IQ, so this is just an IQ roll. However, if the character has the advantage of Strong Will (p. 23) or the disadvantage of Weak Will (p. 37), the appropriate number of levels add to or subtract from IQ. For instance, a person with IQ of 14, and 2 levels of Weak Will, has a Will of 12." (Classic Basic Set pg 93)

As for Perception that was part of IQ: "INTELLIGENCE (IQ), a measure of brainpower, alertness, adaptability and general background experience." (sic Classic Basic Set pg 13) THere just wasn't an easy way to modify it out of Acute (sense) and other similar advantages.

"Perception represents your general alertness." (Basic set pg 16)

Conversion of most Classic material easy because most of it is 3.x and there really weren't that many changes in 4e from that.

However, sometimes GURPS Update is not as helpful as it could be because 4e has expanded since it was written.

Knacks is case in point. GURPS update says "To build a knack, find an advantage that mimics the required effect and take it with the Mana Sensitive (-10%) limitation."

But under current 4e rules they can more easily be mimicked by

Magery 2 (-70%: One-Spell Magery, -80%; No Spell Prerequisites, +30%; No Magic Item Sensitivity, -20%) [8] and (adjusting One-Spell Magery accordingly +5% for each spell above one) buy up each spell to 15 using IQ 10. Each (H) spell is [18] and each VH spell is [22]

So 3 (H) Knacks would be Magery 2 (-60%: One-Spell Magery, -80%; No Spell Prerequisites, +30%; No Magic Item Sensitivity, -20%; 3 spells, +10%) [10] + 3 x [18] or [64].

Heck, I don't even have to know what those three spell knacks even are while by Update I would.
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