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Old 03-04-2010, 11:33 AM   #186
Join Date: Jan 2010
Default Re: Member House Rules

NPM Theory:
My thinking was the the main reason for the imbalance is a matter of usefulness.
Early in the game, both players win about the same number of battles and win about the same number of treasure in the first third of the game [up to about level 4 for the lead player].

But, the imbalance occurs because one player has acquired mostly items he/she CAN use, while the opponent has acquired mostly items he/she CAN NOT use.

This is the trend. Sometimes it happens later in the game, but rarely is the end game [the last few levels] NOT a blow-out.

So, the player in the lead will most likely discard items it CAN use in order to call upon the help of a Non-Playable Munchkin;
and the player behind will probably discard what it already CAN NOT use, and then keep the treasure from the kill hoping to get usable stuff.

[In other words, bribing with the monster's treasure makes sense in a single battle scenario, but it is detrimental to the trailing players success in the overall game arc; i will come back to this.]

Lastly, I think it should be necessary to give the NPM one of the GUAL qualities, in that it can not be summoned when the battle would win you the game. [if someone wanders in a monster to battle AFTER you called upon the NPC, then you might win.] Let's just say that NPMs don't like to feel envious or proud of another Munchkin's success.

Frofrog, thank you for your input. Any and all suggestions help me get a clearer picture for could be done to help a two-player game. Maybe the bribing stage is altogether unnecessary or should be simplified [e.g. a level per treasure]. And level should be the same as the player or determined by a die roll or two.

Here are the intents of my suggestion:
1) It must be a play that either player my perform
2) The monster's treasure must go to the player who beat the monster.
3) (to balance [1]:) The play may not be used to win the game.

The reason for [1] is because no player, even in Munchkin, in specifically a two-player match, should have an unmatched option of play style, for many reason, but one being that if player A is level 9 and B level 8, then player B has an advantage to win. [Charity does not count because it is a forced device of the game, not a play option]

And the reason for [2] is that getting treasure, especially new treasure, is really the point of the game. A Munchkin would rather get a treasures first and levels later.

What else do you guys think?
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