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Old 06-02-2021, 07:28 AM   #32
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Skill Advancement

The point-efficiency of high stats (as opposed to having several high skills) is something I've struggled with as well (although I should note pretty much all my "experience" with GURPS is theoretical, tweaking the system). Sometimes, you want a character who is really good at a variety of DX-based skills due to extensive training rather than being a DX-monkey, but the DX-monkey is more point-efficient. My solution is an Advantage I call Training, which must be specialized by DX or IQ (but you can buy both separately), and costs [15] per level. Each level of Training (DX) is +1 to all DX-based skills that you have invested at least [1] or more in; Training (IQ) is similar, but for all IQ-, Will-, and Per-based skills. This is treated exactly like having bought up the skill for purposes of things like defaults, floating to another attribute, qualifying for damage/ST bonuses for high skill, etc. A character with Broadsword at DX+2 [8] and Training 2 (DX) [30] is functionally the same (as it relates to Broadsword) as one with Broadsword at DX+4 [16].

Note HT-based skills aren't represented above. You could probably roll them together with DX-based (making the specializations Body vs Mind rather than DX vs IQ) without any serious issues. I originally felt that training up HT-based skills should increase HT, so there wouldn't be an issue just leaving things as-is, but now that I look at it again, I realize that's problematic for when (for example) an expert hiker has to float Hiking to IQ for packing things up efficiently. If he just got Hiking (and some other skills) to HT+2 and then bought up HT from there, he'd only be at IQ+2 - professional, assuming average IQ, instead of the expert-level he should be at.
GURPS Overhaul
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