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Old 03-05-2017, 03:46 PM   #49
Archangel Beth
In Nomine Line Editor
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Default Re: Storium - In Nomine

Originally Posted by wabishtar View Post
I find this assertion confusing, as most of the explorer worlds have a great deal more information than the In Nomine world, which would seem to indicate that you were not limited by a word limit.
Discussions with the Secret Masters have indeed revealed that the word limit we thought we had was much softer than the author (and I) had assumed. Which means it's probably the In Nomine curse in effect; every edition has been plagued by delays and whatnot, and miscommunications are just a slightly new variation of the usual. (There's a reason I identify as a Djinn Princess, and that's one of 'em.)

So! WE HAVE MORE WORDS TO PLAY WITH! HUZZAH! (Seriously, she's got a lot of cut material because of those mistaken word limits.)

I'm going to activate the author, and I am still talking to the Secret Masters about the proper route that new material will take, to make sure that everyone knows who's doing what. Expect to see her checking in to see if there are any other things people might like. (Understand that even with the new guidelines we're working with, we will still need to adapt some stuff -- especially mechanics-heavy material -- to the limits of what the Storium game engine can manage.)
Shamelessly adding Superiors: Lilith, GURPS Sparrials, and her fiction page to her .sig (the latter is not precisely gaming related)
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