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Old 06-09-2012, 09:25 PM   #9
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Default Re: GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys

Originally Posted by demonsbane
The section "Changing the World" (pages 13-15) addresses spending character and/or impulse points (CP or IP) for making permanent effects of those that usually would cease after a certain time, and the text claims that this is useful for making very powerful wizards (p. 14). The "lack" that I think I'm seeing here is that the options detailed in this section only cover advantages (like the ones we use for building powers), leaving out of its scope the effects of spells and other magic systems not built with the "magic as powers" approach.
In terms of "impulse buys" and magic, I find myself thinking of the various iterations of Meditative Magic, all of which are essentially applications of the "trading points for energy" option — that is, it rephrases the various "earning character points" mechanics in terms of generating spellcasting energy instead of character points, and in terms of acts of religious devotion instead of study activities. And as such, spells that are fueled by character points could reference the Meditative Magic rules "in reverse" as it were, generating one spellcasting-specific character point for every 25 energy that would normally be generated.

As well, the Enchantment College is a natural fit for converting things over to character point expenditures: just divide the energy cost to make a magic item by 25, and you have a "Changing the World"-style point cost that could be paid, in full or in part, to speed up the enchantments.

Last edited by dataweaver; 06-10-2012 at 12:19 AM.
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