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Old 04-06-2021, 04:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2021
Default Cleric's Resurrection on Kick Open The Door?

During a lovely day of Munchkin gaming with my friends last night (all of us fairly new to the game), I came across something that feels like an exploit - basically an easy win. I am wondering if we have understood the ruling/wording incorrectly and thus ended up cheating during our gameplay. For reference, we have the Munchkin Deluxe game.

I became a Cleric and when it was time for me to Kick Open The Door (which is face-up) I decided instead to take a Level 1 monster from the discard pile and discarding a card from my hand. I then used this monster to Look For Trouble and could easily beat it, gaining a level and treasure.

Here's the part which feels broken: The Level 1 monster I picked from the discard pile was quite far down in the pile, for argument's sake let's say the 10th card, meaning I took 10 card from the discard pile, then discarded 9 of these recently picked cards, kept the monster card and discarded 1 card from my hand.
We understood the wording on the card as: when you are about to draw a card face-up (Kick Open The Door), you can instead draw any amount of cards from the Door discard pile. Once those cards are drawn they become part of your hand. Now you must discard an equal amount of cards back into the discard pile.

This would eventually allow me to use this Resurrection exploit every turn to pull out a Level 1 monster from the discard pile, easily defeat it, and within 9 turns I would win the game.

Please advise
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