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Old 09-24-2009, 04:46 AM   #32
The Benj
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Platform Zero, Sydney, Australia
Default Re: Fat... where did the extra encumbrance go?

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
Someone with 300lbs of muscle doesn't get ST 15 in GURPS. Someone who spends 50 points gets ST 15. You can buy that ST 15 if your character weighs 120 lbs or 400 lbs.

Therefore, the character who weighs 300, or 400 lbs and still has "only" ST 15 is carrying more "extra" weight than the character with ST 15 and 120, 150 or 200 lbs. Pounds are Pounds, whether they be muscle or fat; it's like the old nut about "which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead" - they're both pounds.

If both characters have the same ST and the same pounds, then trying to differentiate "Fat" pounds from "Muscle" pounds is bogus.
It's about how much the character can actually cope with, thus why I advocate a new levelled Disadvantage, where each level is an encumbrance level. The fact that Pudgy Pete is lugging "20 extra pounds" according to his doctor isn't relevant, only that it means he's always at a minimum of Light Encumbrance. It should scale with his ST, not just be related to his weight.
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