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Old 01-20-2016, 11:52 PM   #16
Join Date: Jan 2016
Default Re: Faster play rules

Hi, just wanted to post to let you know that of all the house rule suggestions over the internet, these are by far the best. They have become a default for us and have made the game very much better, especially when having more players! They have made me really wonder why the game has been crafted the way it is in the first place, because it's just so much better and engaging this way. We have also come up with one house rule addition to speed up the endgame:

The boss monster is NOT of level 20, but of the level it really is. Alternatively you can also vary this so, that per player you have one or two 20-level boss monster(s) at first, and on subsequent tries they are of their normal level. It brings a level of luck to the victory, and is much more in spirit with how the card game Munchkin always ends, as in someone being lucky and/or others running out of cards to prohibit the victory.

We came up with this after an exhausting game experience with 6 players, where for more than two hours everyone was trying and constantly failing killing the boss monster. It ended up being very frustrating and most of all NOT FUN, and at that point we also didn't know or care of the rule of having two persons win the game...
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