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Old 02-06-2020, 03:04 PM   #56
Steve Plambeck
Join Date: Jun 2019
Default Re: Show me the magic!

Assuming even a starting 32 point wizard must have extensive training to develop their Gift from an early age, there would probably be harmless training spells for prepubescent children. These would probably never be forgotten -- things drilled into your head when you're 6 are with you your whole life -- but I wouldn't want to count these against any adult wizard's spell/talent capacity. The whole suite would probably just be remembered for free by most wizards. They'd almost never be of much practical use in-game.

IQ 7 Training Spells:

LEVITATE ROCK (T) -- Lifts a small pebble an inch or so off the ground. At first it takes kids 2 or 3 ST to lift the pebble, and 1 ST per turn and another DX roll to sustain it. The goal is to keep it floating as long as possible. By adulthood, it costs 0 ST to lift, and it'll levitate as long as the wizard keeps their mind on it.

THREAD A NEEDLE (T) -- With no hands of course. 5 minutes of concentration and 1 ST per attempt. After years of trying, the junior wizard should be able to automatically thread the needle instantly with just a glance. Very handy should you fail Wizardry 101 and need to become a tailor instead.

CONTROL SMOKE RINGS (S) -- Even Gandalf had to start somewhere. The psychic power to sculpt smoke rings into any shape, send them darting where you will, and to change colors as you puff them out. Also permits the caster to shape and color smoke rising from cooking and camp fires up to 2 megahexes away. Costs 2 ST to sustain 1 minute in the beginning, 1 ST per 5 minutes with much practice, and eventually becomes free and automatic. Maybe you don't want to teach this one to your own kids but, hey, different cultures and all that.

SANDCASTLE (S) -- Telekinetically reshape a nearby pile of sand, on a beach or in a sandbox, into a sandcastle by mentally moving one grain at a time. Takes forever, which is the point: it teaches patience. Also costs 1 ST for every 5 minutes of trying in the beginning, and the first results are lumpy blobs at best. The ST cost goes down with practice, but it can still take hours. Stick with it and by adulthood you'll be assembling a miniature Camelot for no ST cost at all, in just an hour or two of concentration.
"I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right."
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