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Old 05-26-2020, 10:48 PM   #25
Axly Suregrip
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Durham, NC
Default Re: The Whip is just wrong

Lots of great input and ideas from everyone. I love the Whip Expertise talent idea from hcobb as that hits it on the head. We should not have an expert level whipping for only 1 talent point at IQ8. Fix this and no longer have hoards of whipping wizards. So, I propose the following as a correction to the Whip, taking a lot of good input through this forum:

- Normally 1-2 damage
- May be used like dagger markmenship throwing. no changes here.
- May be used like a Lasso but with a -6/-3/-0 penalty based on talent (see below)
- Lasso affect vs body or arm may only be done if the foe is less than twice whipper's strength.
- Hex behind whipper must be empty (no wall, tree, friend or foe)
- see talent level regarding intervening figures

Whip talent:
- IQ8 cost 1
- intervening figures (Straight down a seem is not intervening): must roll to miss for each. A failure to miss does no damage and stops the whip attack.
- all Lasso style attacks are at -6 DX

Whip Expertise talent:
- IQ11 cost 3
- damage +1 (so damage is now back to 1-1)
- may avoid the first intervening figure without having to roll to miss if he/she is a friend or oblivious to your attack. Additional intervening figures still require a roll to miss.
- all Lasso style attacks are at -3 DX
- PREREQ: DX=12+ and Whip talent

Whip Mastery talent:
(with this level you have the whip as it is in Legacy, but still with the new requirements for STx2 for Lasso effects and empty hex to the rear)
- IQ13 cost 3
- may avoid all intervening figures without rolling to miss
- all Lasso style attacks are at -0 DX
- PREREQ: DX=14+ and Whip Expertise
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