Thread: Roma RPM
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Old 11-16-2019, 06:56 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: Roma RPM

A lot of Romani 'magic' are just the tricks that they have developed over the centuries to make a living when they were denied legitimate methods of employment. True Romani magical traditions have little to do with the showmanship (for example, their divination systems are much different than the Tarot Cards used by modern pagans). Like any traditional magic system though, the Romani were highly practical, borrowing effective magical practices from outsider and abandoning ineffective magical practices when needed.

Practitioners of true Romani magic are also notoriously tight-lipped about their traditions, as it is one of the few things that outsiders have not been able to steal from them over the centuries. That being said, many tribes lost their magical traditions during the Holocaust, and some of the practitioners taught non-Romani their tribal magic in order to preserve their traditions. Some of the people they survived and preserved the traditions within their families when they could not find any survivors of the tribe of their teacher to teach them the magical traditions that were lost, which are the majority of our sources on Romani traditional magical.

For the purpose of RPM, there were some commonalities between tribes that fit RPM quite closely. First, they often used evocation by calling of spiritual entities (usually ancestral or nature spirits) to assist them, reflecting a Ritual Magic rather than Thaumotology core skill. Second, they often used charms and potions to contain magic, which could be seen as normal conditional magic (charms) and alchemical conditional magic (potions). Third, they often manipulated the energy of the Earth to fuel their magic, which could be seen as a form of energy accumulation.

Last edited by Andrew Hackard; 11-16-2019 at 03:57 PM.
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