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Old 08-13-2019, 12:08 AM   #8
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Default Re: [TG] Perk to allow Break Free with striking skill?

Ok, so I see two possible methods to use, to cut some slack for a fighter who only has striking skills and no grappling skills, who is Grappled and wants to Break Free.

I think this is reasonable, since some striking martial arts should teach defenses against grapplers i.e. Break Free.
Since Break Free removes CP based on full ST it can't be a thing done with just one arm, I assume both arms as well as twisting of the body is used.

1) Allow Skill Adaptation Perk: Break Free using [striking skill]. It needs to be specialized in a specific striking skill. Training bonus is calculated from striking skill using slow progression.
-But what is Active Control calculated from? If the Grapple is on an arm, is the Break Free penalized by CP/2? More than than one arm is used, I assume. If the GRapple is on the torso, and the Break Free is treated like a full-body activity, is it penalized by CP/2, or are the arms integral for the Break Free so the penalty for the arms (CP/4) is used?

2) Allow a striking attack on the arm (or one of them) which has the grapple on you. I assume you can't attack with an arm being held, but usig the other arm then. Active Control would be CP/4 by not attacking with the arm held.
Roll the striking damage, but reduce CP of the the grapple rather than apply real damage.
-But is damage bonus to the strike the normal damage bonus, og should one calculate damage from Trained ST based on the striking skill (slow progression I assume)?

Of the two, I prefer 1) since it is closer to "normal TG Break Free". I feel 2) is mixing apples and punching-damage-oranges. But to each his own.

In my ongoing Cliffhanger campaign, which has had TG implemented well underway, there are perhaps 3 characters with no grappling skills only striking. Two of them aren't serious fighters anyway, but with low (well, average...) ST they are severely crippled if Grappled. The third has ST 10 as well but a high level of Karate. I might give them Skill Adaptation Perk: Break Free using [striking skill] for free. The current adventure is one with zombies - slow, grappling zombies.
Playing GURPS since '90, is now fluent in 4th ed as well.
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