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Old 07-23-2013, 08:46 AM   #7
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Default Re: Wanted: Military Airport Map

Originally Posted by Captain Joy View Post
I suspect I can always just mark out an appropriate sized rectangle on a wet-erase battle map for the interior of the hangers.
Pretty much.

Is there anything in hangers besides airplanes?
Overhead lifts are fairly common. A lot of space on the hangar floor gets used for storage, since aircraft are more cross-shaped than rectangular.

Do they have basements?
I've never seen one. The usual construction is slab-on-grade.

I'm going to assume they contain some offices, closets, and a bathroom along one side and no basement.
The back and side walls are often essentially separate buildings that house subordinate shops and offices. These may run to multiple stories, if the hangar is tall enough.

I'm going to assume facilities exist for maintenance and repair, but they don't fuel up there.
Correct: fuel and ammo are dangerous, and so have their own separate areas or are brought to the aircraft at a designated safe area away from the maintenance and parking.

I'm going to assume that, in 1960 Pakistan, the perimeter would be surrounded by a high fence with barbed wire across the top, high guard towers, and would be guarded 24 and 7.
Seems reasonable, except for the high guard towers: they are a hazard to low-flying aircraft (e.g., in the event of a bad approach or emergency go-around). Ideally, the entire airfield is visible from the control tower. In a high security environment, there may be an observation post in the tower, probably one level below the air traffic controllers.

And, that once you got inside, properly attired, you'd be able to move pretty freely–until you tried to get into a restricted high-security area, of course.
Remember, this is a CIA operation. Keeping a low profile will be a priority. I would expect the aircraft (already fueled) to remain in the hangar with the doors closed until just prior to the flight. Getting to the hangar might not be that hard; getting into the hangar unnoticed is the challenge.
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