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Old 09-10-2011, 01:28 PM   #13
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: One social trait, multiple society?

Originally Posted by daniel_gudman View Post
My feeling is... have the players build characters according to where they came from; eg, a wizard respected in Magetopia would buy "social regard" (maybe at reduced price if Magetopia is small), regardless of how wizards are considered in Imperial Paranoialand (although if IP is huge it might also affect "social regard" in Magetopia). So, I haven't said anything different than anyone else.
No, you've pretty much said something different from what everyone else is saying. I'm not especially fond of paying points for abilities that have no practical application or giving points for disadvantages that never come into play. In the case of the magetopian mage he'd actually be paying points for a Paranoialand disadvantage in a campaign which stuck to IP. Me, I'd handle "Big cheese from some far off land nobody cares about" as a perk. Of course usually foreign dignitaries from known lands will in fact be treated with some degree of regard or status. When a wealthy African prince visits 1950s America, his status in his homeland means he'll be treated quite differently from someone of his skin colour who doesn't have his status even though he still may experience negativity from people who are actively Intolerant rather than just going on the ambient prejudice.

But, it's not just about reaction roles, it's also about how the character feels about society and their role therein.
Best handled with a quirk.

But, that dissonance between "accustomed role in home society" and "normal role in this society" is analogous to a great sword-master without a sword, or with the wrong sword, etc. It's not like the skills and abilities are gone, they're just in a non-optimal situation.
All the time The great sword-master can just get a sword. The mage from magetopia has to leave the campaign to take advantage of his "social regard".
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