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Old 11-09-2018, 09:15 AM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Mitigator Schedule...

I don't know of any other "regular dose period" Mitigator examples. Pyramid is the main source I don't have, though my PDF collection is far from complete even otherwise.

The only Mitigator I know of that's more than -70% is Monster Hunter's "Morphology Inducer" (a piece of equipment that lets aliens / demons / etc look like a normal human, and has to also be bought as a Gadget in addition to letting you Mitigate Disads like Appearance or Social Stigma).

I suspect anything over monthly / -70% is by RAW simply considered not to be a Disad. (I don't know of any source that uses really short dose intervals, either.) Anything over -80% would get clipped by the Limitation cap anyway, though such values are still useful when it comes to countering large Enhancements. But in this case, the common interpretation of -80% as "will never come up" isn't far off.

From a gameplay perspective, longer and longer time periods have increasingly less effect on play. There's not a lot of practical difference between six months and two years. (In some games, it will literally never come up again!) You can of course make up whatever schedule suits your own view, but given that we stick to a linear increase of -5%, then the time period has to increase exponentially to model that sort of declining negative effect.

The Mitigator dose is usually as trivial as popping a pill. A really burdensome "dose", like having to complete some six-month quest to find the guru that lives on a mountaintop and randomly relocates every time someone visits him to dispel their Disad, might interfere with the character enough over a multi-year timespan to matter. But that's the sort of thing that's an in-game adventure, triggered by the GM just imposing the Disad to motivate the adventure, rather than a strict clock, or else by threatening imposition of the Disad to give a "ticking time bomb" feel to the motivation -- but during the adventure the Disad hasn't actually reappeared yet. Or, the Mitigating action is just is assumed to take place in downtime -- which is another case where the character shouldn't really have the Disad being Mitigated on the character sheet in the first place. (That would be a case of the "Disads that don't actually affect the character aren't worth points" rule. You'd have to be in one of those immortals-over-centuries long-view sorts of games for these kind of rates to matter.)
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