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Old 06-02-2013, 04:55 PM   #14
Join Date: May 2012
Default Re: Killing someone unkillable

Originally Posted by Tori1332 View Post
My DM mentioned that further on the campaign there would be an immortal enemy, he wasn't very specific but when asked he said that "it would have infinite HP".
GURPs doesn't have infinite HP.

If the GM is saying he will have infinite HP, what he has essentially said is "I do not care about balance or the rules, you are not killing this guy2 as the guy would need infinite points to build, and if he is giving him infinite HP, it sounds like he will give him what ever else he needs.

"Oh, you drowned him...yea, he has doesn't breathe. Shot him into space? Pressure tolerance. Trapped him in a concrete box at the bottom of the sea? Yeah he has Warp"

It sounds a REALLY bad way to do things (as an unkillable enemy is just not fun. If he is not meant to be fought, be a bit more subtle about it)

It may be time to have a chat with your GM regarding statting appropriate things. Something about the notion of infinite HP grates against me and seems like if the GM is going to GM by fiat, he will GM by fiat and looking for a way around it with the rules is not going to work.
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