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Old 12-01-2008, 10:23 AM   #30
Gold & Appel Inc
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: One Mile Up
Default Re: New to GURPs; not sure where to start

Originally Posted by Johnny Angel
I guess the racial intolerance quirk makes more sense now that I've read some of your explanations for it. The player is getting points for having it; that's reason why the GM (I'm so used to typing and saying DM that GM feels weird) is enforcing it.
If it really bothers you, don't put it on the racial templates. Or let them buy it off freely as suggested upthread.

Originally Posted by Johnny Angel
On the note of a modern campaign: I think what I have in mind is a pre-apocolypse campaign. What I mean is that it would take place prior to and during the earth shattering event which most post-apocolyptic campaigns take place after. One idea I have involves what would happen if for some reason the US Government broke down (or something similar) and a state of semi-anarchy broke out. By "semi-anarchy" I mean that there would still be a vague sense of government authorities such as police and perhaps some military, but they wouldn't have the control that they would in normal circumstances.
Sounds like you want a pessimistic take on the Peak Oil Crisis. Total anarchy in the Third World, but modern industrial nations more-or-less keep their feces together with lots of food riots, uninvestigated murders, and other small-scale civil unrest, plus greatly reduced capacity for international force projection, but also enough hoarded fuel for what's left of the armed forces (PC Alert) to prevent an easy coup by angry civilian rebels a couple more skipped meals and long walks in the sun away from Mad Max Land (PC Alert; hockey masks optional), and some bold, square-jawed scientists (PC Alert) desperately trying to get energy alternatives online (details varying widely from new fission plants to technobabble pixie dust that can preserve Car Culture depending on how much sci fi you want here) and modernize the infrastructure to handle it while there's still time and resources.

Originally Posted by Johnny Angel
The campaign would involve my friends playing idealized versions of themselves [snip]
Careful with this one, especially in a dark, violent campaign. Some players can handle seeing Idealized Self take a bullet to the head and some can't.
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