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Old 12-01-2008, 03:30 AM   #24
Johnny Angel
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
Default Re: New to GURPs; not sure where to start

I appreciate all the advice.

I talked to one of the guys who I normally play D&D with, and I asked what sort of games he would be interested in playing if we were to try something other than D&D. I told him that I was looking into trying a new system, but that I wasn't sure what sort of genre the group would be interested in. He expressed that adventuring into space was really the only thing he'd not be interested in, but he did mention being interested in something similar to Fallout (which is somewhat funny since Fallout was based on the GURPs system from what I understand.) So, basically, I think that so far it seems as though anything from the D&D/medieval fantasy tech level and genre to the near future is what I'm looking at. He passingly mentioned the wild west and doing something similar to the old tv show Kung Fu, so that's something that I'll keep in mind too.

To clarify something that I said earlier, I'm not exactly trying to duplicate D&D within GURPs. I suppose what I meant was that there are certain things which D&D portrays differently than GURPs does. Kobolds are one readily apparent example. GURPs portrays kobolds as being some sort of short, stumpy, and mentally slow humans from what I gather. D&D portrays kobolds as being small halfling sized reptilians who may or may not have draconic ancestry (some of them claim to.) They're mainly an annoyance, but underestimating them can be deadly. Likewise, goblins seem to be portrayed much differently. I know that as a GM I'm free to build my world any way that I want, and I need not follow the preset ideals of either D&D or GURPs or any other setting, but I think that if I keep at least some similar concepts that it will be less of an adjustment for some of my friends.

D&D kobold

I was finally able to get the GURPs lite pdf. For a few days I was having trouble getting it to download, but it finally worked. I think I might run through a few encounters with those rules and see how things go.

One thing I'm confused about is how it's considered a disadvantage for a PC to have racial intolerance toward someone. I understand that ideally, as the DM, I'm supposed to enforce those such things, but I'd prefer that a player roleplay their character as they see fit and not be forced to have their character act a certain way simply because I say they are required to act that way. When it comes to things such as greed, bloodlust, and lecherousness I can somewhat understand, and I don't have a problem enforcing those, but I think I would feel uncomfortable telling a dwarf pc that he's not allowed to be friends with an elf pc or that he's required to react in a negative way toward elves (for an example.) When creating a race I would be sure to have information available which discusses that race's outlook on things, but I'd prefer that the player roleplay those things willingly and not be forced to do so. If the player roleplays their character differently then I would imagine they would have a reason for thinking differently than a typical member of their race.
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