Thread: Druidic healing
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Old 01-02-2019, 01:08 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2015
Default Re: Druidic healing

I don't think that it would be imbalanced at all and so long as no one else is upset that the druid is stealing their limelight, no problem. It's not how I'd do it though, I think that it might damage the cool wilderness expert thing that they have going on if they /don't/ have to pre-prepare potions and poultices or otherwise hunt through the underbrush for just the right thing for the job.

I do agree that their healing leaves a bit to be fesired though. Off the top of my head, I might try either:
- 1 free Gizmo per rank of PI Druid (or maybe a spellcaster perk?) to pull out some herbs and chew them up into a poultice/ steep in water/ whatever to instantly produce a potion with an Herb Lore roll (-1 for every 100$ cost?)
- Increase the paltry 1d-3 HP min 1 you get from bandaging if you're using Esoteric Medicine. Maybe a Weapon Master-like effect wouldn't be so bad?

For in-conbat healing, maybe a special perk to pull potions out faster?
Potions being unreliable can also be frustrating if you've spent a few turns pulling one out inly to come up ones. Alternate potions with flat healing or a way to add a flat amount? 1d+3 is a lot safer than 2d

Last edited by Expy; 01-02-2019 at 01:19 PM.
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