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Old 06-19-2021, 08:51 PM   #19
Peter von Kleinsmid
The Fantasy Trip Line Editor
Join Date: May 2021
Default Re: Professional Soldiers

I don't think there's one correct generic answer for the question. It really depends on the situation in the game world, which is mainly up to the GM, even if they don't do anything with the economic values ITL lists.

In most of the TFT campaigns I've run and experienced, I would say that fine and magic weapons tend to be rare, even if a soldier could theoretically save up and afford one. The more experienced, wealthy and/or noble a fighter is, the more likely they may have more expensive and powerful equipment.

In most places in my campaigns, the recruits and the regular military will tend to have little or no fine or magical equipment in the hands of soldiers, but they may have wizards or special equipment assigned at about company level. Elite units and experienced or noble fighting officers may tend to have fine equipment. The most experienced, wealthy, powerful, and/or noble people and their bodyguards and lieutenants etc are where the fine and magic gear tends to accumulate. And walking into town with a bunch of conspicuous rare equipment may tend to attract their attention.

There may occasionally be some exceptions, where some sorts of regular units might have been equipped with a bunch of not-so-expensive fine equipment, such as fine +1 light-ish weapons (a +1 spear or mace is only $400, and a +2 damage small axe is only $600).
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