Thread: Cidri Genesis
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Old 05-27-2019, 12:58 AM   #47
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Default Re: Cidri Genesis

I could see the Ley Lines concept working (though I certainly wouldn't make them visible!).

This topic got me thinking about religion too. Would a species that evolved on a planet like that ever go into pagan religious thought? Wouldn't the Sun (and maybe the moon) be their only two physical manifestations of god-like powers? And wouldn't they therefore move almost directly into a monotheistic religious direction (with the moon as the sun's "consort" at best)?*

Mind you, the premise of your world is that everyone came from somewhere else (that is, every species "evolved" elsewhere), so their primitive religions would have been informed by astronomy and astrology as ours were, so this is a moot point, but still I thought it was an interesting line of speculation...

*(And, BTW, without stars, astronomy and astrology, originally conducted in order to interpret the wills of the Gods, would mathematics ever be invented by such a race?)
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