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Old 06-22-2020, 03:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Thomaston, GA
Default Thoughts on Elves and Dwarves from The Burning Wheel

Elves and Dwarves in The Burning Wheel RPG are inspired from Tolkien.

Elves, though Unaging, suffer from grief as they witness endless tragedy unfold before them. This is represented in the game as a characteristic called Grief, as as the elf witnesses bad things, or does bad things, this stat will slowly increase, until they "pass into the West", much like Tolkien's elves.
Some elves have their Grief become "Spite", and it eventually will drive them to suicide.

I can see "Spite" being represented as various mental disadvantages, such as Callous, Sadistic, Paranoia, etc, as Spite is described as causing the elf to do mean and nasty things. But how would I represent "Grief"? Chronic Depression?

Elves also have ways to mitigate grief, via songs.
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