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Old 09-12-2022, 08:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2022
Default Re: Very High Mana, Critical Successes, Maintenance, and Missile Enlargement

So, it recently came up that someone felt that Very High Mana shouldn't affect FP spent on spell maintenance or missile spell enlargement. To be honest I can see arguments in both directions:

Against; VHM recovering FP spent on them; casting, maintenance, and enlargement are very distinct things and VHM calls out casting.

For; in this case it's that 'casting' isn't meant as a distinction but as a broad terminology covering "all FP spent on spells".

Now it's also been suggested that VHM simply mimics turning every success into a critical with regards to spell casting, and that might be in fact the idea behind it (however the wording in DFRPG rather steps away from this notion as seen when we get down to discussing critical successes, but this could have been a further culture shift away from Fantasy 1st ed).

It was also brought up that "older editions" made spellcasting "free in VHM!" By "older editions" they mean exactly one older edition, GURPS Fantasy (1st edition). GURPS Magic has never made spellcasting entirely free in a VHM, it's always been "spend energy/cast the spell and get the FP back next turn". (just putting that argument to rest in advance)

The wordings on Very High Mana:
GURPS Fourth Edition Basic Characters and Magic
A mage who spends FP to cast a spell on his turn gets those FP back at the start of his next turn. However

Dungeon Fantasy Powered by GURPS Spells
A wizard who casts a wizardly spell recovers any personal FP used (not other energy) a second later - on the caster’s next turn, in combat.

Oho, that's something I never noticed before; only people with Magery enjoy this effect in VHM areas. Something to keep in mind.

On Critical Successes and their effect on Maintenance and Enlargement

As spell skill directly impacts spell maintenance costs, I am fully behind crits making spell maintenance free. But I'm more than willing to hear counters.

However, spell skill does not affect missile spell enlargement 'time to cast' or costs. But I'm willing to entertain arguments for crits affecting it (especially in the "crits do miraculous things" arena).

Honestly I'd love to get Sean Punch in here, if someone can cast Summon Dr. Kromm.
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