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Old 02-13-2021, 08:08 PM   #13
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Location: Portland, Maine
Default Re: TFT Life History Character Generation

Originally Posted by Infornific View Post
Characters wanting to be wizards must start with the Wizard's Apprentice step.

So Wizard's apprentice might go:
+1 DX, +1 IQ
Talent: Literacy
Spell: Aid and any other IQ 8 or 9 spell
Special: Character is now treated as a wizard and pays double for most Talents.
The assumption is every apprentice is expected to be literate and be able to cast an Aid spell, the latter requiring an IQ of 9.
I agree that a majority of Wizards come through the Wizard Schools or apprentice under a Guild Wizard.
They would require the Literacy and the Aid spell.

However, there also is the path less taken by Magic Users.
  • This would involve the character who has no-one nearby who can train him and thus reads books and trains himself.
  • There could also be the 'broken soul' who is born a Wizard, but has no idea that there is magic or that he has a broken soul.
These characters either stumble onto proto-magic or are discovered by wizards. They would be late bloomers to magic, but might end up in a Wizard School or as an apprentice.

These Broken Souls might not know how to read (except the book learned ones) and would definitely not know Aid (yet).
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