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Old 10-13-2020, 10:17 AM   #10
Join Date: Oct 2007
Default Re: Passive intimidation?

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
Oh, and as per the title, what about passive intimidation? Say Conan opens the door to a tavern; how would I emulate his mere presence’s effect? Then, imagine he were 50% bigger (SM1), would that just be a mere +1 to the roll?
Fearsome Stare (mentioned by Phantasm) is still an active use. You use the Intimidate skill when you want to actively project an image of strength and danger. Fearsome Stare is useful if you do not want to be overtly aggressive, but it's still a concious choice to do so.

For a more passive use, Appearance (Attractive or better) with Impressive, Reputation and/or Social Regard (Feared) could be used to represent an intimidating presence. In this case you would change positive results of any passive reaction roll towards a fearful type of deference.

And if Conan makes that entrance in a tavern a reaction roll is certainly apropriate for anyone without a predetermined reaction towards him. If he wants to actively look like he's dangerous, that's substituting an Intimidate roll for the reaction roll (likely using Fearsome Stare to avoid starting a fight), if he (or the player) doesn't actively try to look dangerous it's a roll on the reaction table (B560-561).
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