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Old 08-08-2022, 11:58 AM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: Building Trauma Team using GURPS ULTRATECH

Originally Posted by hal View Post
It seems for instance, that restricted Air space and emergency protocols of Trauma Team might very well conflict with each other from time to time. What would be the final protocol in such a conflict? Would the desire for universal availability for Platinum Holders override restricted Air space protocols? Just thinking.
In the modern world, if a business claims that its contract service with a customer allows it to trespass on a third party's properties, much less FAA restricted airspace, it is going to find out that it is very, very wrong.

In a Cyberpunk world, Trauma Team might have enough leverage to get the mega-corps to allow TT access to their holdings for the express purpose of retrieving the injured.

My initial thought it that TT isn't a unique enough service and the various mega-corps would each have their own TT service equivalent, but TT actually does provide a service that an in-house medical team can't provide: neutrality. As an example, if DMA's executives are on Smartz property for negotiations and an accident happens, DMA probably doesn't want Smartz medtechs to treat the DMA executives, and Smartz doesn't want a DMA med team to enter onto Smartz property. TT, as a trusted neutral to both, provides a solution. And TT has leverage to force Smartz to allow TT onto their property: if Smartz doesn't allow it, TT won't attempt to recover Smartz from other mega-corps properties.

As soon as TT has right-of-access agreements in place with the mega-corps, it's trivial for them to get access to government restricted airspace: the mega-corps rewrite (or tell their controlled legislators/regulators to rewrite) the relevant regulations to give TT a free pass.

So if a service like TT exists and can enter mega-corp property, then it can almost certainly enter government restricted airspace.

Also, TT might have written into their right-of-access contracts that TT card signals have to be relayed through mega-corp controlled dead zones. Which gives TT a lot of access, and makes them a prime target for hackers, infiltrators, and fraudsters who to use that access to go places that they shouldn't go. And TT probably comes down hard on those criminals, because TT's entire business model is based on TT being neutral and having that compromised causes the entire model to fall apart.
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