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Old 08-08-2020, 12:30 PM   #9
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Default Re: Reincarnation Amulet

In the most famous example, the character doesn't have the ability to control when the "save point" occurs, which would add Uncontrollable and Unconscious Only. In effect, play continues until the character dies (voluntarily or not), at which point the GM decides when in the narrative the ability activated. (In the story, the ability is treated as a curse, so the unpleasant aspects are more a feature than a bug. It is also implied that the save points are being manipulated by the entity that inflicted the curse, to unknown purpose.)

There is another, more limited, version of this power in the literature, where the character has to prepare a literal "save point" -- in this case, a bowl with burning incense (part of Buddhist funeral rites). If the character dies, she returns to the time she lit the incense. If the incense goes out or the bowl is knocked over before the ability activates, the save point is invalidated and (presumably) she will die without returning. This would be a some kind of strong gadget limitation, I imagine.
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