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Old 06-16-2019, 01:02 PM   #5
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Default Re: Capping character points and further customization?

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
My advice is to retire characters when they reach a certain threshold (my retirements tend to occur at 250 CP to 500 CP above starting CP). I find that people get too attached to their characters after a year or two of play, meaning that they get bent out of shape when you kill them off. You either end up adjusting your campaigns for PC preservation, end up fudging the dice, or end up with upset players.
This happens if the situation is right. Sometimes our characters reach points where their story is good to end and we'll move on. Other times they just have unfinished business and you feel you need to continue.

We used to just play a campaign, about 20 sessions and then be done with that campaign and characters. We've just started a new system where we're playing the same campaign in 8-10 sessions and then putting it on hold and moving on to another (rotating player choices). We're then coming back to them because it's easier for the GM to continue a campaign than to write up all new things, he's too busy for that. So each player has THEIR campaign that they have some say in the way things work.

The characters in mine are reaching the 300 mark. For a semi-cinematic campaign, I don't feel going much farther than this will be that enjoyable. Of course, there will still be changes we want with our characters. So I'm trying to get an idea of a good system that gives us options to adjust our characters with it being subtle enough that would reflect in game better (no changing from a master archer to a mage overnight). I've never played a character more than this one (about 50 total sessions now), so I don't know what happens when you reach 400, 500 point totals. What's the point when your opposition is raised to those point totals to give you competition anyway? "When everyone's super, no one will be." (That's a GM thing, out of my control)
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