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Old 04-15-2021, 07:37 PM   #1
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Default Malediction with a max range

I'm building a teke using the system outlined in Psychic Powers. He has TK Grab and TK Crush, and I want to connect these so that he can only Crush someone if he has Grabbed them. By analogy with the Accessibility (Only in altered body form) limitation I've applied Accessibility (Only in conjunction with TK Grab, -10%).

But I want to give this guy the short-range version of TK Grab, which has a strict 20-yard range limit. By default, TK Crush has Malediction 3, which has what basically amounts to LOS range (long-distance modifiers plus the requirement of visual or other perceptual confirmation), but this new requirement that the target be within the reach of his Grab incidentally applies a strict max range limit on the Malediction. I think that should count as its own limitation on top of the Accessibility, but it's proving surprisingly tricky to find an appropriate one.

Reduced Range is incompatible with Malediction because the former affects the Max and 1/2D statistics: Maledictory attacks lack these, instead functioning under penalty-based "soft" limits, with level 1 penalizing the roll linearly as a Regular spell, level 2 penalizing the roll logarithmically according to the SSRT, and level 3 imposing long-distance penalties (which are never relevant except under those very marginal circumstances where you can get perceptual confirmation on a target over half a mile away). PU8 has the Short-Ranged limitation, but that just changes the range penalty progression and would be equivalent to lowering the Malediction level.

Any ideas? If nothing else, I could improve the savings from the Accessibility limitation to -30% or so, but that feels like a kludge. "Malediction but it can't target things further than yea far away" feels like it should be easy to do, particularly because Malediction affects things other than range (ignoring DR, being resisted rather than dodged). PU4 has Increased Range, LOS, which lets you take an attack with a defined range limit and convert it into one that can affect anything you can see. Is there any way to do the opposite? To take an attack that can affect anything you can see and convert it into one with a defined range limit?

To be clear: I'm the GM; this is going to be an NPC; I'm just trying to work this out within the RAW as a character building exercise.

Last edited by VIVIT; 04-15-2021 at 07:43 PM.
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