Thread: Mega hex tiles
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Old 10-21-2019, 02:21 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Mega hex tiles

I have found it transformative to the overall experience of table top gaming that I can lay out extensive sections of dungeons on the table. People with really good Dwarven Forge collections have been doing things like this for years, but the TFT approach democratizes the process (i.e., because the components are relatively cheap and come 'standard' to the game). They also speed it up and make it more flexible. It is pretty easy to fish into your MH collection an pull out tiles, and if you have been keeping up with the offerings you already have a good sized selection. It should be an outstanding selection once DoD ships.

Even though the game components are 2D and mostly line art, I think the 'look' is good on the table. And I find everyone is much more engaged by the action, and feels freer to play as they wish, as compared to the classic theater of the mind approach, or even marching mini's around a table top. There is something empowering about continuously viewing your character in a well defined, consistently scaled table top diorama.
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