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Old 03-28-2021, 07:47 PM   #118
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lawrence, KS
Default Re: Alternate Versions of Inifinite Worlds

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
  1. Yankee - North secedes and wins the civil war.
  2. Madison - Canada annexed in War of 1812.
  3. Whiggish Dream - France conquers thirteen colonies during 18th century, only for them to successfully rebel later.
  4. Bull Moose - Teddy Roosevelt wins third term and invades Mexico.
  5. Estados Unidos - The Spanish Armada crushes England. About 200 years later New Spain rebels!
  6. Kingfish - Huey Long forces a contingent election in '36 and becomes president in 1940, charting a populist and isolationist course.
  7. Wobblies - Economic troubles caused by German victory in WW1 (Britain stayed out and no one calls it that) led to general strikes and syndicalist revolution in America.
  8. Vinlandsaga - A more diplomatic approach towards the indigenous population helped Lief Ericsson's colony survive and thrive.
  9. Seven United Colonies - 80 years' war and the French wars of religion end in a Catholic Victory. Fledgling colonies in New Netherlands are bolstered by large numbers of Calvinist refugees.
  10. Fusang - China settles California in the 14th century, and loses interest during the Ming-Qing Transition. The colony becomes de facto independent and by the early 19th century becomes dominant in North America.
  11. JFK - JFK survives Oswald's attempt, and the Tonkin incident is downplayed. It's 1968, and Nixon must face a deteriorating situation in Thailand with the support of a resolute citizenry.
Okay, those are entertaining. You can find a model for Bull Moose in S.M. Stirling's Black Chamber novels, and one for Kingfish in Sinclair Lewis's It Can't Happen Here.
Bill Stoddard

I don't think we're in Oz any more.
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