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Old 02-09-2023, 06:32 PM   #167
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Location: Pacheco, California
Default Re: Show me the magic!

IQ 13 - Spellfast (S) The caster thinks of a condition (i.e. writes this down, any condition that a Limiting enchantment could act on), expends one or more points of fatigue, then does everything short of rolling for success on a different spell on their next turn from the same hex (including spending the full fatigue cost of the other spell and writing down their current adjDX for the casting.) If the Spellfast expires before the condition is met then nothing else happens. If the condition is met before this point then roll for spell success at the recorded adjDX at that point and the spellfasted spell either takes effect or not. Spellfast itself costs one fatigue for a one minute duration plus another point of fatigue for each doubling of the time interval. (So 11 fatigue is 17 hours and 20 fatigue gives almost a year's duration.)

If the fasted spell is a creation spell then the creation appears within range of where the caster first fasted it, but if a thrown spell (count range to the target at the time of fasting) then it takes effect on the spell subject wherever they are when the condition takes effect. The wizard is then made aware that their spell has become active and may expend fatigue to continue it at that moment. (They don't see the area, unless a figure creation, but they can sense that their spell has gone off.)

Each fasted spell counts as an active magic item (on the caster) for purposes of the rule of five and can be lifted at the caster's whim or via Remove Thrown Spell.

Example: Bob does a 1 minute spellfast (1 fatigue) of an image of himself (1 fatigue) in his current hex with his current adjDX to be triggered by the condition that he Teleport away. When he succeeds on the Teleport spell roll to replace his figure with the image.

Last edited by hcobb; 02-10-2023 at 04:13 AM.
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